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February Freedom.

Writer's picture: Hinton MagazineHinton Magazine

We’re back.

You’re here. Thanks for sticking around.

February already. Where did the time go?

The party has officially stopped and we’re all getting back into routine. For some the January blues have well and truly gone, but for those still thinking it is January? Why not head back or scroll back to our January issue. Where we discuss the basics.

So, what’s been happening since we last spoke?

Quite a lot here’s just a few.


Time To Change provided us with our Annual ‘Time To Talk’ Day. This happened on 1st February 2018. Links below,

Time to Talk Day is all about letting you and everyone around you know that there is no greater time to talk about mental health than right now. Social media is a place to talk about mental health, the school yard is a place to talk about mental health, just as much as talking to your best friend, a close family member, or a work even a colleague in confidence about mental health. Time to talk is all about positivity and reinforcement of how too many people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated worthless or ashamed. Time to Talk Day is a chance for all of us to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen, to change lives. Wherever you are. Home, work or up a tree perhaps in or on top of a mountain, let’s keep and have that conversation about mental health today.



Wagamama a national Japanese inspired cuisine restaurant. Known for it’s amazing simple yet diverse taste pallet, are opening their pockets and minds to help raise awareness to MIND. A national mental health charity. Links below,

Wagamama believe in nourishing the mind, body and soul, throughout the January and February, they have partnered with MIND to raise awareness for mental health.

They’re encouraging mindfulness, a technique known to help manage mental health. Or to simply sit back and take 5 to enjoy life. They’re doing this by encouraging all customers to par-take in colouring in their newly designed placements, to sit back, have a colour, relax, and enjoy some simple tasty food. Alongside this all their POSITIVE JUICES sold through January and February 25p from each will collectively be placed into a pot and all money will be donated straight to MIND. What an awesome and amazing gesture.


Our duchess Kate Middleton has launches an amazing new initiative to help the young and vulnerable children within our schools throughout the U.K. Links below.

Although only being trialled in about 20 schools if proven successful the result will be shared throughout the UK. Mental health problems in young can isolate, disrupt and frighten them, resulting in a lower educational attainment, and really does have a lasting impact on a persons life. This is why her Royal Highness has launched ‘Mentally Healthy Schools,’ a website to give teachers and school staff more clarity and practical resources they need in order to support pupils. Something which currently our UK system lacks.

She states, Mentally Healthy Schools’ will be a free and easy to use website for schools, drawing together reliable and practical resources to improve awareness, knowledge and confidence in promoting and supporting pupils’ mental health.’

So as you can see quite a lot has happened since we last spoke.

So where does this lead us from January?

Still struggling? Finding often anxiety can take over? Need some down time? Here are some of my basic tips on how to deal with it.

The main problem with anxiety is in it’s many forms we can not control it, however we can be aware of when it comes, and be ready for when it hits. So, what’s best?

The thing is you have to learn to know and understand what truly makes you relax or how you know you can take control. As everyone is different. For example.

Some dance, swim, go to the gym, drive, listen to music, step outside, breathe for 5 minutes, read a book, write it down, or remove themselves from the situation and so much more…

For me? I’ll use myself as an example.

I suffer with social anxiety and the fear of what others might say. I know social media can be the cause of this, so I actively remind and double remind myself of what I’m posting and ensuring it won’t cause me any issues. I also ‘TAKE CONTROL’ remember it’s your own social space and your own piece of the web, I can choose who see’s it, what goes on it, and what on it. So, remember you also can control it.

If my anxiety hits throughout the day?

My way of seeking calm is to simply drive, music on and have a small drink perhaps coffee and just have 10 minutes of calm. Another idea of this is when I’m in the gym with my headphones on it’s ideal because the world zones out and my space becomes solely focused on me.

So, my advice to you is learn to find the cause, try to take a control, and learn to habit your own personal relaxing technique.

It sounds simple in theory but practice and alongside habit makes perfect.

Until March.

Thanks for reading.


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