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Blaque Falcon

Curtis Hinton

If 2020 has taught us anything its that we all need to enjoy life more, Be more relaxed and more comfortable - and of course fashionable. There's one brand that is here to do just that, Blaque Falcon. The casual wear fashion brand's founder Ikenna sits down with us this month to talk all things about his brand, new collections and fashion inspirations.

Georgia Craig Photography

For anyone who might not have come across your brand before, how would you describe Blaque Falcon to someone?

Blaque Falcon is an authentic clothing brand, that is organically growing into a lifestyle brand. We create, promote and sell casual loungewear for both Men, Women and very soon to be Children.

Let's go right back to before launching your brand, what was the inspiration you had to decide to start a fashion brand?

I personally didn’t have much interest working for anyone else. After getting my degree in Construction Management back in 2015, I was disillusioned with the lack of working opportunities that were available. Back then I thought that didn’t make much sense because you get an education to get an opportunity, so that’s what sparked my initial inspiration. I had already worked in fashion retail before, and modelled in a few fashion shows here and there. I knew that I loved reading books, and watching movies and that’s really what sparked me writing my first novel and eventually the fashion brand.

Georgia Craig Photography

After deciding to launch your own brand, How did you go about starting and creating the brand?

First things first, I hired an accountant! I wanted to make sure that I was doing everything by the book legally and tax-wise. By then, I already had an idea for a brand name and logo. I used plenty of scrap paper and notebooks to create the logo, that was simple but effective. Finally, I applied and got my Intellectual Property for my logo, and from there it was full steam ahead!

What were some of the toughest challenges you faced in the early stages?

Majority of it was financial. I’ve learnt the hard way, that fashion isn’t the safest business or industry to just jump into. From this experience, I just learned to be more careful with what I invest in.

How did you start designing your first collection?

I wanted to start off very simple, and not try and reinvent the wheel. Looking at other brands over the years, I learned that the brands that are long-lasting do the simple things really well, and try to improve on that. So that’s exactly what I did, I started off with T-Shirts, Hoodies, Sweatshirts and Jogging Bottoms for both Men and Women. I know that these garments can never go out of fashion, it was just making sure the fit and fabric was spot on.

Have you found your creative styles have changed with each new collection you design?

Yeah! As the Blaque Falcon brand story develops, so do the garments. What started off as a simple line of T-Shirts, then grew to a preppy line of Oxford Shirts, Cardigans, and now very soon Gymwear.

How difficult is it to choose what goes into the new collection and what doesn't?

For me, it’s not as difficult as some may believe. With clothing, people are always going require fresh garments for various places (work, home, exercise). I just feel out environment and look for things around that can do with some improving. For example, I’ve found people nowadays have a natural leniency to independent small business enterprises, because of the rise of social media. So I felt that if I provide the best quality product and service locally, it will organically rise with a loyal customer base.

What was the inspiration behind the name of your brand?

Black Falcon sounded really cool, but I changed the lettering to make it unique and have a deeper meaning. So, I changed it to Blaque Falcon because there’s plenty of negative connotations with the word ‘black’ (Blackmail, Black Christmas, Blackballed etc.).

Previous collections have boasted clean and simplistic looking garments, can we expect this for the new one?

Absolutely! It’s part of the brand ethos to keep things clean and simple.

Georgia Craig Photography

As the founder, what is the ultimate goal for you with Blaque Falcon?

The ultimate goal is for Blaque Falcon to become a premium up-scale clothing brand. I can’t wait to see everything working out from a physical shop front with working staff members. Although online shops are doing tremendously well right now, I know that nothing can replace the actual experience of walking into a store and feeling like you got something out of there rather than just physical items. That’s something I’m looking forward to manifest and give to people.

What advice would you give to someone starting out with a new brand?

Be clear on your intentions and take nothing personal! Any feedback from anyone is positive, and something to grow on.

The fashion industry is a very crowded market, how do you make Blaque Falcon stand out from your competitors?

Blaque Falcon stands out, because we sell books too. I completed writing my crime-thriller novel on the same year I created the first collection and published it too. Being able to alternate between different industries is very exciting and also creates another avenue for the brand story to grow.

Georgia Craig Photography

Are there any exclusives on what your next collection may look like?

Yes! On top of the gymwear, I’m also releasing double-knit jogging bottoms for men. It’s incredible how they fit and how soft they are. Can’t wait to share it all!

Ikenna, Thank you for your time.

You’re welcome and thank you for having for me.

You can shop the full fashion range from Blaque Falcon over at


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