The growth for independent streetwear brands un the UK is something the does excite me. With many of them becoming established brands within 18-24 months after launching shows a real support from the public in these brands. Could this be the future of how fashion will look? One brand hope it will be is Urban Streetwear brand EliteGarmz.

EliteGarmz, founded in 2019 produces High quality garments affordable prices. The Urban street wear brand say, 'You become part of a selected group of individuals who stand out from the rest'. In a world where everyone is trying be apart of something is a great idea to create something people can feel included in.
The brand boasts collections in T-shirts, Hoodies, Hats and probably most recently added face masks. With a design team that 'strives in creating noticeable designs that go unmissed' the brand are certainly making themselves standing out from the rest with their clean unique designs. When it comes to designing what goes on the top or hoodie, this is vital how you make a brand. It's how you get your name out their. You dont always want these funky designs. Sometimes your logo on the quality garment is enough. the logo will become recognisable over time by doing this and it looks like this is was EliteGarmz are looking to do. You've got to make your brand name and logo become the staple of the brand,
The brands webiste features a motto of, 'Know Your Worth'. The brand follows this up by saying ,' it's all about understanding the garments your wearing represents your first impressions and overall look. We aim to continue to push all boundaries. Our potential is limitless. Its Only Just Begun'. The hunger of the brand in that statement alone is very attractive as a consumer. You get the feeling they care, that they wont cut corners on their production because they want to succeed, they want to be here a decade down the line and they will only do this by producing the high quality garments they claim they do and developing their designs and the years go on.
You can shop the full collection from EliteGarmz over at www.elitegarmz.co.uk