Put some flavour into your drink
Uninspired by what mixers were already out there on the market entrepreneurs , James Simpson and Jack Herlihy decided to take it upon themselves to create new mixers and so was born, Two Keys.

The beverage brand that launched in early 2019 has 4 different flavour mixers, Green tea, lemon, pink grapefruit and black tea truly changing the mixers game by introducing some incredible flavours to your spirits, they'll have you forgetting about that boring old lemonade or orange juice.
The duo decided to go in search of something new after finding themselves fed up and uninspired by what was already out their on the market, leaving Simpson and Herlihy determined to create something completely different to what is on the market, something that would also be 'innovative that reflected the diversity, quality and craftsmanship that is so abundant in the spirit world'.

Their search for something new took them all over the world, as they were looking to source some incredible raw ingredients, things like green teas from Japan and Black teas from India, Sri Lanka and even China. Other places the business partners visited included Brazil for organic sugar cane, Andalusia for pink grapefruits and even Murcia for Lemons. Launching this brand have really given the pair a chance to see the world to see where raw ingredients have been made, giving this brand a ethical feeling to it.
Each of the brand 4 bottle designs feature an animal on, whether it be a gorilla, elephant, rhino or a camel. There is a reason behind the animal theme with the brand donates 5% of all sales to an animal based charity, which combines with the way the ingredients were sourced, its clear to see there is a importance to the owners on how they run the brand, both giving a very ethical and seem to be showing the morals behind the brand.

The Mixers aren't the only products this brand sells,you can also purchase animal themed coasters and a bar blade set too. You can also buy the mixers in bottle or can form too, available in cases of 4,12 or 24.
Why not get yourself over to Two Keys and order some flavour into your drinks.