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Minimalism: subscribe to a life of simplicity now

“It means living with things you really need. It means removing anything that distracts us from living with intentionality and freedom.”

- Joshua Becker

Consumer patterns are changing, at least that is what the 5 billion Google searches that are made every single day are telling us. More people are aware of the consequences of their decisions on their health and lifestyle, on those around them and the earth at large. Early this year, ethical veganism was ruled as a “philosophical belief” by the United Kingdom employment tribunal – even politicians understand these changes. Now more than ever, big companies are being forced to adapt processes and systems that are “clean, inclusive, lean

and circular”. Many consumers and organisation stakeholders are no longer interested in CEOs that do not make sustainability a board agenda.

A testament of these fundamental changes is minimalism. This is the belief that people should only live with the things that they actually need. According to PickUp Please, 80% of the items that people keep are actually never used. People are holding onto these things for reasons all the way from “it was a gift and I feel bad for throwing it away” or the item may be associated with sentimental value to other psychological challenges such as hoarding.

Those that do take up this simplistic lifestyle claim to be searching for clarity and internal freedom. Simply being able to locate all your household items and only buying the things you actually need displays a sense of freedom from the demands of the modern race that most of us lack.

Cash Converters and Cash Crusaders in South Africa are among the companies that are generating great revenue this pandemic. People are selling their old bicycles, sofas, clothes, the list goes on, all in an attempt to meet their daily needs. No matter the reason, this extra time that we do have in our hands presents us with an opportunity to reassess our possessions – pack, repack, throw out or sell the things that we do not need.

The advantages of this lifestyle are inexhaustive. The ability to not buy things because others are buying them or because you believe they will fill a gap in your life can lift your from financial strain, save the amount of time you spend cleaning and tidying your house, allows you to spend more time working towards your goals, spending time with loved ones and so much more.

How can you start practising minimalism today:

1. It all starts from within, declutter your mind and let go off of the negativity – any

feelings of hate and unforgiveness included

2. Throw away or sell the things you have not used in the past six months

3. Before you purchase new non-essential items, sleep over it for at least 2 weeks

4. Lose the paper – stop taking notes in a diary and spare pieces of paper, use your

Notes application on your mobile device

5. Borrow or rent items that you only use once in a while

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