Party Girls on Purpose: Uplifting Book Empowers “Party Girls” to Thrive in Life & Work.
... Just Like They Do on the Dancefloor
Lauren Victoria Ellingham’s ‘Party Girls on Purpose: Be a Party Queen and a Boss’ could just be the most unique personal development book on the market – helping women understand that they can be a true party girl, and be “on purpose” in all other areas of their life. Ellingham uses her own experiences to help readers turn a great night into a great life, based on the foundations of gratitude, relaxation, goal setting, action and target/focus. Yes – it is possible to have it all!
Like millions of other women, Lauren Victoria Ellingham used to live for the weekends, feeling that her nights with friends were an opportunity to be her best self, use her most vital skills and embrace contentment that was impossible to find during the week.
But after a series of profound personal development “a-ha” moments, Ellingham realised she was creating her own mundane life during the work week, and the qualities of her inner party girl could actually help her build the life she dreamt of.
In her new book, ‘Party Girls on Purpose: Be a Party Queen and a Boss’, Ellingham helps party girls everywhere grab the skills honed by their active social lives, and deploy them holistically in work, relationships, education and every other facet of life.
In today's world, many people will be all too familiar with a working week consisting of dreading Mondays, having hump-day Wednesdays and winding up with ‘Thank god it's Friday!’
Living for the weekend is the norm for a lot of people even in Covid times, and many women will experience this vicious circle just as I did, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
The truth is, girls who party hard have some truly amazing traits that they may not even recognise themselves. They are great networkers, fun to be around, confident, possessed of amazing organisation skills and of course they have plenty of stamina. But if our party girl is stuck in an uninspired job, relationship or circumstances, all these great qualities only come out on the weekend which is her only chance to shine.
Party girls know that the weekend is when they enjoy life and when they are their best, most powerful selves. But even that can lose its shine and overdoing it can lead to feeling drained, unmotivated and exhausted for the week ahead. Time to make some changes!
This book is all about learning to recognise the abilities honed by having an active social life and putting them to use in other areas. It encourages the use of personal development skills that may already be being used unwittingly to create great nights out and using them in daily life to create amazing change and discover a path to a lifestyle others only dream about.
The book is based on the GREAT formula to turn a GREAT night into a GREAT life using
Relaxation/ Chilling out
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Target and Focus
The book is aimed at women aged 30-45 who have not achieved everything they thought they would. These are women who may love to socialise and go out to parties and festivals and enjoy the fun aspects of life but think they will have they have to give all that up and get serious if they are ever going to get anywhere.
Everybody wants to improve their life, find their purpose and have balance - the internet is full of motivation and inspiration but not always a formula to follow. This book has that formula.
No one wants to regret what could have been. Mostly people want it all, a balance of fun and success and a desire to learn how in the easiest way possible so this book contains 5 simple steps/ pillars to follow with worksheets to complete so the reader can start today and see changes immediately.
I want to show it is possible to be a party girl and be ‘on purpose’, to ensure your partying isnt holding you back from getting where you want to be in life and also ensuring you celebrate and appreicate your fun side too.
This book supports and encourages women to have fun and celebrate success while balancing it with hustling for their dreams. Balance and awareness is key.
If you were told you can be a party queen AND a boss in life would it interest you?
Most people’s perception is that you can be one or the other but not both. This book appeals because it allows for celebrating your fun side while also going for what you want in life, be it a business, career, relationship or financial goal.
By following the GREAT formula to get centered, clear and confident in your next steps you can have your champagne and drink it.
Then you become a Party Girl on Purpose.
“For years people asked me when I was going to “settle down”, or at least curb my partying,” explains the author. “But I told them what I believed – that working hard the regular way just doesn’t get you anywhere. I knew there had to be a way to balance my fun side with the need to make money, take work seriously and excel professionally – and then I hit on the formula. This book contains it all.”
Continuing, “Most other self-help books are either overly technical, or come from a spiritual/faith-based foundation. I wanted to cut through this noise with something very practical and real - that any woman can deploy with ease. When you can work like a boss and have tons of fun at the same time, you’ll be amazed at how your life transforms.”
Reviews have been extremely positive. Actor Lizzie Worsdell writes, "I love how the book relates goal setting and motivation to my everyday life. It makes it relatable and attainable rather than isolating people with fancy mumbo jumbo. I love to party and know I'm good at it and I have learnt I can use the skills I have for having a good night out to help me create a great life too. Everyday events and situations that are easy to recognize and you can see yourself in and reflect on in your own life, and I love an excuse to bring out the party girl and celebrate my successes.”
Louisa Shell adds, “Lauren has written a must read for the dedicated Party girl who wants success in her life not just her night! When it comes to attracting what you want there are so many writers that claim their way can make it happen, Lauren's fun-filled guide to creating the life of your dreams in 5 simple steps is delightfully fun, opening the mind to believe that every GREAT night out develops your skills for a GREAT life. That you have potential to manifest whatever you have ever wanted!”
‘Party Girls on Purpose: Be a Party Queen and a Boss’ is available now: