10-fold increase in the number of people with uncomfortable skin condition
...Survey reveals that nearly one in five british adults has psoriasis.

The number of people suffering with psoriasis in the UK may have increased nearly 10-fold, according to new data from a new nationwide survey, commissioned by Typharm’s Skin Life Sciences Foundation[1] - www.slsf.uk. Previous statistics from the NHS stated that psoriasis affects around 2% of the population[2], but the Typharm survey shows that one in five people now say they suffer with psoriasis (17%).
Known psoriasis triggers include:
Skin injuries
Drinking excessive alcohol
Hormonal changes, for instance during puberty and menopause
Certain medicines
Throat infections
Other immune disorders
However, more than half of people with skin conditions such as psoriasis, say that mask-wearing is aggravating their skin (51%) and 72 percent say that increased handwashing has led to a flare-up or worsening of symptoms. Almost seven in 10 (66%) also say that recent periods of stress and anxiety have caused skin flare-ups, dryness, and itchiness.
More than half say that their hands are affected (55%); 35 percent say it’s the back of their knees; 38 percent say it’s the inside of their elbows; 29% say they get it on their face and 24 percent get it on their scalp.
GP, Dr Nisa Aslam from the Skin Life Sciences Foundation - www.slsf.uk - comments: “Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. In many cases the patches can be itchy or sore. The severity of psoriasis varies greatly from person to person – for some it’s just a minor irritation but for others it can greatly affect their quality of life. It would seem that pandemic living, with increased stress has meant that psoriasis symptoms have worsened.”
Psoriasis runs in families so someone is more likely to develop it if they have a close relative who has it. However, the exact role genetics plays is unclear a family link doesn’t necessarily mean someone will get it. This new data reveals that 44 percent of those who have skin conditions, such as psoriasis, can identify a family history. Nearly four in 10 say their first experienced symptoms as a child (38%), while 21 percent said it first appeared when they were a teenager.
Dr Aslam adds: “The best news for those with psoriasis is that there’s no need to suffer in silence as there are now several topical treatments for skin conditions which can be prescribed by a doctor or healthcare professional. Topical steroids are sometimes needed to control flare-ups, and while they cannot be used daily for prolonged periods, these medicines are invaluable for many people with skin conditions like psoriasis.
“There are a variety of medical skin treatment options for psoriasis from ointments, creams to steroid medicated tape and an important advance have been the development of new formats — such as medicated tapes which are also waterproof to help deliver steroids within a different format that can be used for flare-ups and short periods of time (not prolonged time periods). Fludroxycortide tape is a transparent medicated surgical tape impregnated with the steroid fludroxycortide which you can apply make-up over the top of, shower etc with it on. When applied to the skin, it helps reduce redness, swelling and itching and contributes to wound healing. Finding the most effective therapy is often a matter of trial and error, so it’s important to keep going back to your doctor, or dermatologist, for advice.
The Typharm survey found two thirds of people questioned with skin conditions, such as psoriasis have not consulted a doctor, and only 15% have seen a dermatologist. It is essential people do ask advice from their doctor, or dermatologist on skin.”