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Get Fruit & Veg to your door with OddBox

There is a new way to get fruit and veg in London and thats with OddBox. Now odd box does delivery your 'normal' fruit and veg, they take the ones that have been refused by supermarkets which are deemed 'Surplus' due to tight regulations and then they delivery to homes in some area's of London . Since Launching in 2016 they have seen an increase of popularity with their product.

We caught up with the guys at OddBox to find out why they decided to make the change to give people the opportunity to by these 'Surplus' healthy foods, 'Every year in the UK, we waste 10 million tonnes of food worth £17billion. 20 – 40% of fresh edible produce is rejected due to tight criteria laid by supermarkets or because they are surplus to requirements. At the same time, consumers want to make ethical choices but lack sustainable alternatives.Emilie and Deepak started Oddbox to provide a win-win solution for growers, consumers and the planet, and reduce food waste by shifting consumer perceptions', I was informed. Now these products are available in 3 different sizes (S,M &L) which are available either on a weekly or fortnightly delivery plus specific fruit boxes for offices.

Now so far OddBox has only been available to parts of London but we have been told that 'within 6-9 months' they are hoping to change this to the whole of London, they then went on to say they,' then we are looking to launch Oddbox in other cities in the UK and potentially in mainland Europe afterwards', and with such a huge growth for fruit and veg in the last 24-36 months with the popularity of a vegan diet growing I can see this is the only way for OddBox to be going. What would be interesting to see is if the supermarket business to click on to the profits they are losing because they deem some perfectly good fruit and veg not suitable for selling.

OddBox have a mission statement of,'We connect producers and conscious consumers with the single goal of reducing waste', and when you see the work they are doing it's clear to see this mission is well underway and clearly being achieved. £17 Billion a year is being wasted. With the earth in its current state can we really be affording to be wasting what the earth is producing?

It's clear to see this is not only a business venture for the guys at OddBox but its a cause they care about. The use of Veg and Fruit is at it's highest levels at the moment and I don't think its reached it peak and I can only see OddBox growing rapidly.

You can learn more about Oddbox online at

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