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  • Writer's pictureHinton Magazine


A brand that was built from a passion is always one that catches my full attention because for me I know it's not just someone trying to make money its a brand with a heart and it just brings those positive warm wibes from the very start. This is exactly one of the reasons why Basma launched her brand with the same name sake.

Basma Alshather launched her brand BASMA from her own passion for collecting scarves. BASMA offers women elegant silk scarves in a variety of designs and styles. Suitable for all occassions. Speaking to Alshather she told us, 'All our scarves are crafted from pure silk, chosen for its natural movement and fluidity against the body' enabling that free feeling for the women who wear them.

Founder Basma came from a background or art, design and marketing arguably 3 of thre most important things for any brand to start. You could have a fantastic product like a BASMA Scarf but without the right marketing you wont bring in the audience you want so Basma found herself at an advantage right at the start of her journey. The Entrepreneur also told us that she gets her inspiration from, 'architecture and linear form'. Even with the success of her brand this isn't the first time Basma has had her name to creative projetcs, being a former ceramicist her resume also boasts her pervious work is displayed all over the world including New Zealand and Japan. The impressiveness doesn't stop there either and Basma is also a a mentor with The Prince’s Trust, helping young people to build their own businesses. Truely and astonishing woman!

Now turning her focus to her brand BASMA, she claims that she has seen her creativity head into a more of an expereimental direction, decribving her designing and creaive processes as, 'spontaneous and intuitive' - It sounds like like she is a true designer. She went on to say, ''The Exploration into colour and texture translates into geometric lines that take on a fluid form. The viewer is invited to translate the simplicity or complexity of the image as they desire. The result is beautifully wearable silk accessories that take on the personality of the individual'.

On the brand website the desciption of the brand is as follows, 'BASMA scarves are an expression of beauty, femininity and creativity. Defined by a natural delicacy, hand painted strokes are printed onto silk. This marriage of art with fashion is at the heart of the BASMA vision'. Without a doubt this is something to can see right away. The pieces and designs are elegant, they're sophicated and they're going to make you feel like a million dollars, truly a 'Hollywood' style look to them the type your Audrey Hepburn would wear.

You can get your very own peice of elegance over at


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