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86% of healthcare workers say that the healthcare industry needs to do more to support the mental health of their staff who are invaluable to the country. Over a third (39%) have also said that their mental health has deteriorated as a direct result of their job, and 41% say that they have had to take time off work due to this at least once. 

In a recent survey, run by medical job search specialists results found that almost half of Brits working within the healthcare sector admit to struggles with the emotionally straining aspects of their role. A fifth (20%) said that although they have wanted to, they haven’t taken time off due to their mental health. 

The NHS works around the clock and it is a well-known fact that the pressures that the staff go through on a daily basis are huge. Discussion around the strain on the NHS due to lack of staff, costs of treatments and budget cuts are constant. We rarely hear from the front line with doctors, nurses, carers and support staff kept out of comment. However, the new research shows that the impact on their mental health is a concern. More men have taken time off of work due to their mental health wellbeing, 57% saying that they have at least once compared to 34% of women, but more women (24%) than men (12%) have felt they needed to take time but haven’t due to increasing pressures. 

Doctors struggle with the emotionally straining aspects of their role more than any other career with 28% saying they struggle all the time and a further 48% who struggle sometimes. That’s a total of 76% of doctors who struggle at least sometimes. Of course, the role of a medical professional is by no means all doom and gloom: in fact, 91% of respondents find their job rewarding, 41% have a touching moment at least once a week and 27% say they enjoy these moments daily.  Elsa Thumerel from Jobmedic says “the purpose of our research was to give our healthcare workers a voice, Jobmedic welcome the discussion around how we can better support our valuable medical staff. We know that being in the healthcare industry is by no means an easy job, but we were blown away with the high level of career satisfaction that was reported back to us by medical workers.”

The two biggest drive for Brits working in healthcare are the knowledge that they are helping others (36%) and feeling like they’ve made a positive impact each day (27%).

Thumerel continues, “If you’re looking for a career where you can make a real difference to lives, this is the option where you can do it. The industry has it’s struggles, but our survey has shown that the rewarding positives far outweigh the negatives.” 

For more information on Jobmedic, please visit:


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