'Who is America', Sacha Baron Cohen takes it to the next level.
For the last couple of decades, Actor / Producer Sacha Baron Cohen has pushed the boundaries with many if not all his own project's. From Ali G to The Dictator he's always pushed what he does to the line and sometime's over steps the mark. His latest TV show 'Who Is America' has got many talking.

The basis of the show for those who haven't seen it, Sacha dresses up as different characters and meets many different people all over America in all different situations and does what he does best... pushes the boundaries. The show tonight is entering its 5th episode and I could imagine anyone who met his characters would be in panic mode. When Sacha dressed up and met these people they didn't know they were being filmed for this show, you can tell from what some are saying and how some are acting, if they knew they were being filmed and the person they were speaking to was Cohen my money would be on it not happening. Here an example 'A Republican lawmaker who is currently serving in the Georgia House of Representatives has resigned after being filmed screaming racial slurs on the latest episode of Who is America?' - http://www.dailymail.co.uk , that's just how far Cohen takes the show.

After seeing the last 4 episodes I am excited to see whats coming ahead of tonight's episode. The show as expected has many people divided. It's essentially showing 'Stupid America', which i respect doesn't showcase all American's. Cohen really got the right ones with this show. You can catch up on All 4, but make sure you don't miss tonight's episode!