Good Boy - Q&A
Good Boy | theSpaceUK @ Surgeons Hall, Theatre 2, 12 – 24 Aug 2024 (not 18) 20.55 – 21.45

What inspired you to transform your uni dissertation into GOOD BOY?I originally wrote it for my dissertation because at that point, I hadn’t told anyone what happened to me. I didn’t know how. Then we had to submit proposals for a 20-minute piece of theatre we had to create and I saw the opportunity. I was literally training to be a story-teller - so it felt obvious!
As the years past I had more and more experiences which just affirmed or expanded what I originally explored and I knew I had more to say… but as a first time writer I had no clue and little confidence to start. Thankfully, I was selected for Mrs C’s Collective’s writers’ programme, The Writer’s Collective, where I received support and guidance for a whole year, concluding in two rehearsed readings at The Space Theatre. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and I knew we had a good show on our hands.
Can you describe the central themes?It mainly explores the response to sexual trauma manifesting as dissociation and hyper-sexuality. But along the way, it exposes the disturbing and patriarchal dynamics in relationships and sex, especially in hook-up culture. This is unquestionably a queer play, but ultimately it is about patriarchy. It also explores fetishisation, and how people will mould themselves into an idealised, sexualised version for validation. It is also very funny, by the way. I feel the need to reiterate that.
What role do Grindr and Twink culture play in the story and what does the show say about them?
The world of Grindr and gay sex is an interesting one. On the hand, we are all queer, different, ‘other’. Outside the norms of heteronormative society in a patriarchal world. And yet, as gay men we have to remember - we are still men. Even though we are queer, we are not immune to being brainwashed by the patriarchy and still have the capacity to abuse power… and I think Grindr is the perfect example of this. You can have wonderful experiences meeting people on there - but the language used and actions committed by some of them can be violent and are completely reminiscent of misogynistic, heterosexual, and cisgender men. I wanted to analyse these in relation to my experience in my first relationship.
After performing it at drama school, and the rehearsed reading 7 years later - it was mainly heterosexual, cisgender women thanking me for telling my story.
What challenges did you face in portraying the darker side of relationships in the play?It’s a delicate exercise in choosing what to show and not tell. As it is from one perspective you have to paint the picture enough for the audience to realise, but not too much that it’s unbelievable that Boy doesn’t see it.
And when it comes to portraying sexual violence there is a fine balance between not shying away from the horror, but not showing more than what is necessary, because then you head into ‘torture-porn’ territory. A lot of the really dark scenes have been pulled and pushed in different areas and it’s thanks to a lot of collaboration and debate with my director, Sophia Vi, that we found the sweet spot. I had a small role in Sexy Beast for Paramount+ where I played a rent-boy who is sexually assaulted by a group of men. We had these exact same discussions with the intimacy coordinator and director, who were both amazing and accommodating. (Adelaide Waldrop and Stephen Moyer, respectively).
How has developing and expanding the play helped you process your experiences?Writing Good Boy has brought back a lot of memories. It turns out, I have repressed a lot more than I realised. But, being able to analyse them, explore motivations and the impulse behind them while also making it funny has been fascinating.
What do you hope audiences will take from the show?I hope people feel empowered by it: I've discovered reclaiming your trauma and trying to find the funny is the best healing tool (if you're still on the waiting list for therapy). Just a final reminder: I promise it’s a comedy.
When and where can people see your show?
Good Boy | theSpaceUK @ Surgeons Hall, Theatre 2, 12 – 24 Aug 2024 (not 18) 20.55 – 21.45
And where can people find you online?
@goodboy_theplay and @realjamesfarley on Instagram