Jem City
A goal of 'Connecting all major cities' through fashion. Fashion brand Jem City have their eyes on one goal, one target and that's to bring fashion to the world which connects people to cities through their garments and they are well on their way to achieving this.
We all have a connection to a city, whether it be a personal connection through family or the vacation you can't get out of your head. You only have 2 things you have to remember, your memories and maybe some tacky souvenir you've brought during your visit. Well now that can all change, imagine wearing a comfortable & stylish sweatshirt which features the name of that city, that one place you can't get out of your head. To offer something like this to your customers almost creates that community feel, their selling feelings to people. The garments people buy for sentimental reasons from Jem City will be putting them in a unique group of people. Whether or not this is the effect Jem City were going for this is what they are achieving which usually brings a loyal customer base.
The brand focuses on sweatshirts speaking to the brand about their garments and the designing and producing them they old us, 'Our apparel is designed in house, in United Kingdom. Produced, manufactured & detailed with quality fabrics'. The brands designs are simple, stylish but very effective. A classy look and feel to the pieces the brand have certainly pin-pointed their target market.
The UK based fashion brand wants to bring more and more cities to their collections, already featuring Vintage Monaco, St Tropez, Courchevel & Calabasas, the rest of the world is on the horizon. Speaking to the brand about the future of the brand they told us, 'Our aspirations are to add all cities to our sweatshirts whilst keeping them aesthetically pleasing'. Something they are certainly achieving. It's clear a bright future is coming for Jem City UK.
You can shop the full range from Jem City over at their official store