HM Visits: Hint Hunt London
As Part of our 'Top Things To Do In London 2019' we visited Hint Hunt. Hint Hunt was London's first Live Escape game, now in 2019 Escape rooms are huge. Thousands of people flood daily to different venues all over the country to take on the mental challenge game.

Let's start by explain the concept. A Live Escape game is where you are put in a room with 2, 3 or 4 other people and you have 60 minutes to get out of the room by solving clues. Now you have the idea of what a Live Escape game is we will get on to talk about our experience at Hint Hunt.

We visited the venues new room 'Submarine - Deep Down', now we aren't going to give you any clues on how to solve this one but what we will say is our team got out with 6:41 to spare! The theme of the room is obvious being called Submarine... it was a submarine you were in, the engine was failing and you had 60 minutes to solve the problems to get out. One thing you need to remember about these rooms is that there are a lot of red herrings in the room and you need to decide which 'Clues' you should be focusing on to help solve the problems.
The guys at Hint Hunt were excellent. The staff were attentive, funny and all round genuinely nice people. If theres only one thing you should do with your friends or family this year, it would definitely be a Live Escape game / Escape Room and why not do it at London's first? Opening 7 years ago we here at HINTON Highly recommend Hint Hunt.