Exploring the Hidden World of Secret Spending in UK Relationships
In the UK, a surprising trend is emerging in the world of online shopping and relationships. A recent survey commissioned by finance experts Sovereign Boss, reveals that a significant portion of individuals are not entirely honest with their partners about their online spending habits. This survey, focusing on gaming, hair & beauty, and clothes, shows how common it is for people to keep their digital purchases a secret.

The Numbers Speak: Unveiling the Secret Spending
The survey, which gathered insights from 2,000 UK adults in relationships, paints a clear picture of concealed spending. Around 38% of participants admitted to lying to their partners about their online purchases. This figure isn't just a statistic; it's a significant indication of the secret financial lives that many are leading.
Gaming: The Hidden Hobby
For gamers, the temptation to invest in the latest tech or games is strong. The survey found that 27% of those hiding their purchases from their partners are spending on gaming. This category includes everything from new game releases to upgrades and accessories, illustrating the allure of the gaming world and its impact on personal finances. One of our respondents said in an open response section: ‘I’ve spent £89 this month on gaming and my fiance doesn’t know.
Hair & Beauty: The Stealthy Splurge
The survey shows that 31% of the secret spenders are funneling their funds into hair and beauty products. This spending might be driven by the desire to maintain appearances or indulge in self-care, but it's clear that for many, these purchases are deemed too extravagant or unnecessary to share with their partners. Another respondent in the open response section added ‘My husband thinks my hair is £25…it’s £125”
Clothes: The Closeted Cost
Clothing stands out as a significant area of secret spending, with 35% of respondents hiding these purchases. Whether it's the cost, the quantity, or the mere act of shopping that they're hiding, it's evident that clothing purchases are a common source of financial secrecy in relationships. An open response on the survey says: ‘If my partner asks, I’ve had it for ages’ and another said: All my parcels get delivered to work!
Behind the Secrecy
Sovereign Boss experts teamed up with Psychologist Michael Bernard who says: “The survey suggests that fear of judgment, a desire for personal freedom, or the thrill of keeping a secret might be motivating these discreet shoppers. These reasons highlight the challenges couples face in maintaining an open and honest dialogue about finances.