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Piece of Me

Writer's picture: Hinton MagazineHinton Magazine

Piece of Me is a new play about British information privacy and data protection, inspired by the music and life of Britney Spears. Claire Gaydon, the writer and one of the stars of the show, spoke to us about her work on the play, her childhood music group inspirations, collaborations with producer Jakwob, and making a music video using CCTV. 

Piece of Me
Photo credit: Harry Elletson

Tell us about Piece of Me. What can audiences expect?

Piece of Me is first and foremost a comedy so audiences can expect to laugh. It’s also big on 90’s/00/s nostalgia from the costumes through to the choreo and the actual songs themselves - so if you grew up during those eras expect to feel reminiscent of your youth!

Music is a strong element in the show and a big chunk of the play follows the story of the actual pop group I had when I was 10 and 14 years old. In the show we perform the original versions, as well as the remastered versions I created recently with music producer Jakwob.

Can you give us a breakdown of your process for this show? What was the moment that formulated the messaging, and how did that evolve into the finished piece?

Back in 2019 I learnt that according to data protection law, if you request footage of yourself from the owner of any CCTV camera they have to give it to you. I decided to do an experiment where I walked around London, miming the lyrics to Britney’s song Radar, and then requested the footage so I could make a kinda arty music video. I chose Radar because the lyrics are about watching someone (and it's also an underrated banger!).

Less than 50% of the camera owners I approached for the footage adhered to data protection law and that got me thinking and researching about how our data is handled, and privacy in general. Watching the video back, I also started to think about how when I was a kid, I wanted nothing more than to be a famous popstar like Britney. But now, seeing everything that Britney went through I have a newfound appreciation for my privacy and anonymity.

For me, privacy invasion on UK citizens can feel intangible, it’s hard to explain and understand. Privacy invasion on celebrities on the other hand is something we all know about. So I figured if I could marry the two together in the show, I could offer a different perspective on it.

Piece of Me
Photo credit: Harry Elletson

Your work tends to cover quite poignant topics. What is it about these subject areas that compels you to place them front and centre in your art?

There’s always a personal connection. So even though the work often speaks to a wider concern it usually begins with something that is present in my day to day thinking. 

What do you look for in a performance, as an audience member? And does that inspire your own work?

It varies but I’d like to think I’m open to anything. I love a juicy topic that I can debate about in the bar afterwards. I recently saw ‘Multiple Casualty Incident’ which is still playing at The Yard Theatre and that was a great example of that. I would also love to see Katy Bairds show, ‘Get Off’ at BAC but unfortunately the dates clash with Piece of Me. Both those shows are totally different styles but both explore something I find really interesting. And yes I think I’m like a sponge when I see work, I love getting inspired by other artists.

How do you challenge yourself as an artist?

I take risks! For example Piece of Me is the first time I’ve used dance in my work. We experimented with a few different styles and eventually landed on what we have in the show. Experimenting and trying out different things is what makes the work fun and interesting for me.

What tips do you have for young people just starting out in their careers in the field?

My general advice when making work would be to follow the fun! So if an idea is fun to you, you should absolutely try it and don’t worry too much about what it means yet. 

My practical advice would be to get involved in scratch nights! It’s a great way to see how your work is landing and hone your craft. Camden People’s Theatre have a regular scratch night called Big Bang that has a really supportive audience.

Piece of Me is playing at Camden People’s Theatre from 21st of May until 1st of June. Tickets are available at 


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